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September/October, 2019 – Upstate Gardeners’ Journal

The Marvel of Migration

by Liz Magnanti The four major migration routes in North America. Image courtesy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are getting cooler, and insect populations are becoming increasingly scarce. For many birds that means one thing—it’s migration time! More than half (about 350 of the 650+ species) of the …

Decorative Bee Skep

by Cathy Monrad Bee skeps are no longer used for bee keeping, but the primitive look of them has not fallen out of favor. This project is meant to be a decorative piece for indoors or the garden, however, it offers some functionality when entertaining outdoors: use as a cover to keep critters off the …

Sautéed Cabbage with Bacon

by Ellen Adams Serves 4 INGREDIENTS3 tablespoons precooked bacon bits 1/3 cup vegetable oil1 head cabbage, cored and sliced1 white onion, chopped  1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 pinch white sugar1 tablespoon vinegar DIRECTIONS1. Heat oil in large pot over medium heat. Add bacon bits and cook for a couple of minutes. 2. Add cabbage, onion, …

2019 Winter Photo Contest voting has begun!

A Visit to Ballantyne Gardens

story by Valerie Shaw; photo courtesy Ballantyne Gardens When you think of gardening, using your ears is one of the last approaches that might come to mind, but at Ballantyne Gardens in Liverpool, what you hear is just as important as all the other senses. There’s the sweet hum of happy, busy bees, bumbling from …

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