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BUFFALO REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS  African Violet & Gesneriad Society of WNY meets the third Tuesday of the month, September–August, at 7 p.m., Greenfield Health & Rehab Facility, 5949 Broadway, Lancaster. av*****@gm***.com .  Alden Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of the month (except July and August) at 7 p.m., Alden Community Center, West Main St., …

Drip, drop, drip

Rain chains are all the rage, and for good reason. These decorative metal chains redirect water from your gutter to the ground instead of your traditional downspout. There are lots of options online and in stores, but you can make a simple one at home.  MATERIALS  Metal shower curtain rings  Assorted glass beads (larger size …

Beech tree diseases

I was dismayed to learn about the beech bark and beech leaf diseases that are threatening these majestic trees. Below is a summary of a recent webinar from the EPA on the beech tree diseases.  Beech trees are “a pillar of the eastern forest ecosystem.” They are foundational trees, prized for their form, structure, dense …

Backyard butterflies

Bee balm, salvia, coneflower, milkweed, and butterfly bush often come up in the conversation about plants for butterfly gardening. There are, however, some other (possibly unexpected) plants you can add to your garden in order to attract a larger number of butterflies and in turn other pollinators. With garden season now in full swing, I …

Touring my habitat garden

I frequently give tours of my suburban yard, but it’s not the typical garden featured on most tours–those “ooh and ah” gardens of flowerbeds constantly in bloom, neatly mulched, surrounded by perfect velvety lawns. My yard is a habitat garden, full of native plants, self-mulched, with a narrow border of good-enough lawn, interspersed with log-lined …

Public gardens are dreamy

When I was fresh out of grad school, I worked for a botanical garden in the education department. I’d gotten a master’s degree and racked up relevant experiences so that I could be a qualified applicant for one of these plum jobs; once I landed it, I thought I’d stay forever.  I love public gardens …

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