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African Violet & Gesneriad Society of WNY meets the third Tuesday of the month, September–August, at 7 p.m., Greenfield Health & Rehab Facility, 5949 Broadway, Lancaster. av*****@gm***.com

Alden Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of the month (except July and August) at 7 p.m., Alden Community Center, West Main St., Alden. New members and guests welcome. Plant sale each May. 716-937-7924. 

Amana Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of the month (except January) at Ebenezer United Church of Christ, 630 Main St., West Seneca. Visitors welcome. 716-844-8543, si*****@ao*.com

Amherst Garden Club meets the fourth Wednesday of the month (except December, March, July, and August) at 10a.m., St. John’s Lutheran Church, Main St., Williamsville. New members and guests welcome. 716-836-5397. 

Bowmansville Garden Club meets the first Monday of the month (except June, July, August, and December) at 7 p.m., Bowmansville Fire Hall, 36 Main St., Bowmansville. New members and guests welcome. For more information, 716-361-8325. 

Buffalo Area Daylily Society. East Aurora Senior Center, 101 King St., East Aurora. The society is a friendly group who get together to enjoy daylilies. Plant Sales, May, and August. Open gardens, June– August. Facebook. 

Buffalo Bonsai Society meets every second Saturday at 1 p.m. at ECC North Campus, STEM Bldg., 6205 Main St., Williamsville, NY 14221. 5/11, Workshop bring your own tree and preparing for the show; 6/1&2, Buffalo Bonsai Society Bonsai Tree Show at the Buffalo Botanical Gardens; 6/8, TBD; 7/13, Terry Monroe, (Pittsburg, PA) deciduous; 8/10, Picnic/Auction; 9/14, Ron Maggio (Rochester, NY) Suiseki; 10/12, Mark Arpag; 11/9, Indoor lighting Christine Wilkolaski. 

East Aurora Garden Club meets at noon on the second Monday of each month, except January. The clubs meets at Nativity Lutheran Church, 970 E. Main St., East Aurora, NY (just west of the 400 Expressway exit). The club’s objective is to stimulate, create interest, and promote education on horticulture, the art of gardening, flower arranging, and environmental conservation; and to promote the beautification of surrounding areas. For more information about the club or membership call 716-912-1589. 

Federated Garden Clubs NYS–District 8. Nancy Kalieta is the director. na*******@ao*.com . 

Forest Stream Garden Club meets the third Thursday of the month (September–May) at 7 p.m., Presbyterian Village, 214 Village Park Dr., Williamsville and other locations. Summer garden teas and tours available. Ongoing projects include beautification of the Williamsville Meeting House, garden therapy at a local nursing home, youth gardening, and Victorian Christmas decorating. ei******@ma*****.com

Friends of Kenan Herb Club meets the third Monday of the month at 2 p.m. at the Taylor Theater. New members are always welcome. 

Garden Club of the Tonawanda meets the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m., Tonawanda City Hall, Community Room. Facebook. 

Garden Friends of Clarence meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m., September– June, Town Park Clubhouse, 10405 Main St., Clarence. ga*********************@ho*****.com

Gardens Buffalo Niagara open gardens on Thursdays and Fridays in July starts Thursday, July 11. Explore the beauty of gardens spread out in Erie and Niagara counties. Visit for more details and location information.

Hamburg Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. at the VFW Post 1419, 2985 Lakeview Rd, Hamburg, NY. Events include a June plant sale and summer garden tours. Guests are welcome. Contact lo*********@gm***.com

Kenmore Garden Club meets the second Tuesday of the month (except July, August, and December) at 10 a.m., Kenmore United Methodist Church, 32 Landers Rd., Kenmore. Activities include guest speakers, floral designs, and community service. New members and guests are welcome. so*******@ao*.com

Ken-Sheriton Garden Club meets the second Tuesday of the month (except January) at 7 p.m., St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 576 Delaware Rd. Kenmore. Monthly programs, artistic design, and horticulture displays. New members and guests welcome. 716- 833-8799, ds********@gm***.com

Lancaster Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of the month (except January, July, and August) at 7 p.m., St. John Lutheran Church, 55 Pleasant Ave., Lancaster. All are welcome. Facebook. 

Lewiston Garden Club meets the fourth Monday of the month. See website for meeting information, or contact at PO Box 32, Lewiston, NY 14092. 

Niagara Frontier Botanical Society meets the second Tuesday of the month September through May at 7:30 p.m. (except April) at the Harlem Rd. Community Center, 4255 Harlem Rd., Amherst. Entrance is on the north side of the building. Meetings are open to the public. 

Niagara Frontier Orchid Society (NFOS) meets the first Tuesday following the first Sunday (dates sometimes vary due to holidays, etc.), September–June, Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo.

Orchard Park Garden Club meets the first Thursday of the month (except July and December) at 11:30 a.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 4536 South Buffalo St., Orchard Park. Contact Diana Szczepanski at 716- 674-8970 for membership information. Guests are always welcome. 

Ransomville Garden Club meets the third Wednesday or Saturday of the month at 5:45 p.m., Ransomville Community Library, 3733 Ransomville Rd., Ransomville. Meetings are open to all. Activities include community gardening projects, educational presentations, and June plant sale. bb*********@gm***.com

Silver Creek-Hanover Garden Club meets the second Saturday of the month at 11 a.m., Silver Creek Senior Center, 1823 Lake Rd. (Rte. 5), Silver Creek. sc***************@gm***.com

South Towns Gardeners meets the second Friday of the month (except January) at 9:30 a.m., West Seneca Senior Center. New members welcome. 

Springville Concord Garden Club meets the second Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. at the Concord Senior Center, 40 Commerce Dr., SPringville, NY 14141. Meetings feature guest speakers on a variety of gardening and related topics. Annual July Garden Walk. Guests are welcome. 

Town and Country Garden Club of LeRoy Town and Country Garden Club of LeRoy meets the second Wednesday of the month (except February) at 6:30pm, First Presbyterian Church, 7 Clay Street, LeRoy. New members and guests are welcome. Contact:  le***************@gm***.com ; Facebook:

Town and Country Garden Club of Williamsville generally meets the second Thursday of the month from 2–4 p.m. at the Ransom Oaks Community Club House, 101 Ransom Oaks Dr., East Amherst. Some meetings are held off site for garden tours and special events. The club maintains a garden at the Clearfield Library, 770 Hopkins Rd. Membership brochures with program information are available in the library. For information, contact La*******@ro********.com

Tropical Fish Society of Erie County meets the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m., Lake Erie Italian Club, 3200 South Park Ave., Lackawanna, NY 14218. 

Western New York Herb Study Group meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m., Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo. Facebook. Western New York Honey Producers, Inc. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County, 21 South Grove St., East Aurora.

Western New York Honey Producers, Inc. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County, 21 South Grove St., East Aurora.

Western New York Hosta Society. The WNYHS was formed to encourage members to appreciate hostas and to provide them with access to quality new varieties. The group meets three times a year at the East Aurora Senior Center, 101 King St., East Aurora NY 14052.

Western New York Hosta Society Breakfast Meetings are friendly get-togethers the first Saturday (winter months only) at 10 a.m., Forestview Restaurant,

Western New York Iris Society meets at the Julia B Reinstein Library, 1030 Losson Rd., Cheektowaga, NY at 1:30 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month. 

Western New York Rose Society meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. St. Stephens-Bethlehem United Church of Christ, 750 Wehrle Dr., Williamsville. Check the Facebook page or website for meeting content, 

Youngstown Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 100 Church St., Youngstown. Facebook.

Ongoing: First Wednesday of the Month for 2024: Free Community Nights, 5–8 p.m. Visitors can enjoy free admission the first Wednesday evening of the month. Sponsored by Assemblyman Pat Burke. BECBG 

Ongoing: Hamburg Farmers’ Market Open Saturdays rain or shine and on all holiday weekends, May 4–Oct. 26, 2004, 7:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Located at the Hamburg Moose Lodge, 45 Church St., Hamburg, NY 14075, More info on the web @hamburgfarmersmarket or the website for more details.

F July 6: Family Wellness Walk, 10:30 a.m. This is a relaxing walk in the woods. Registration required; call 716-683-5959. REIN

F July 6: Woods Walk: Turtles, 1 p.m. It’s summer—and if the sun is out, so are the turtles. We’ll check out their habitats and see what we can find. No registration required. REIN 

July 10: Senior Stroll, 10 a.m. Walkers can enjoy a leisurely hour-long guided walk through the woods. For adults only. Registration required. REIN 

July 10, 17, 24: Firefly Walk, 8:30 p.m. Walkers will experience the bioluminescent world of fireflies on this guided walk. Registration required. REIN 

July 13: Friends of Reinstein Woods Artisan Market, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. This event includes hopping along the trails at Reinstein Woods. Artisan will sell handmade soaps, candles, jewelry, fine woodwork, honey, and other hand-crafted items. Admission is free (a $2 donation to Friends of Reinstein Woods is appreciated). Rain or shine event. REIN 

T July 13: Draves Arboretum seventh annual open tour, 1:30-3:30 p.m. $12 per person. This tour an excellent opportunity for the public learn more about the arboretum and experience its woody species collections through a guided tour of the grounds. DRAV 

July 13: at the Elmwood Village Farmers Market, 8 a.m.–1 p.m. this event includes a joyful and affirming butterfly release, bring your kids or whoever needs their spirits lifted! Location: North end of Elmwood Village Farmers Market on Bidwell Parkway near West Delavan. 

S July 13–14: Hamburg Garden Club Sale, 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Gardening items for sale. Learn about club projects and how you can become involved. Union St. and Lake St., Hamburg, NY. 

F, T July 19–20: Ken-Ton Garden Tour Night Lights, 8:30–11 p.m. Tours in charming, familyfriendly neighborhoods just north of Buffalo.

July 20: Pond MacroBlitz, 10 a.m. Aquatic insects can tell people about water quality. Attendees will scoop in the pond for macroinvertebrates and collect data for National Geographic’s MacroBlitz community science program. Registration required; call 716- 683-5959. REIN 

July 20: Woods Walk: Butterflies, 1 p.m. They’ve been out for a while, but summer is considered peak season for butterflies. No registration required. REIN 

T July 20–21: Ken-Ton Garden Tour Day Tour, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. This annual tour is celebration of color that showcases the hard work and dedication of local gardeners.

T July 20–21: Eastside Garden Walk, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Visitors are invited to tour more than 100 gardens with participating gardeners and experience Buffalo’s East Side’s historic neighborhoods and wide-ranging 

July 26: Nighttime Moth Survey, 8:30 p.m. The night offers a different world of insects that is less often explored. Registration required. REIN 

T July 27-28: Garden Walk Buffalo, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Garden Walk Buffalo attracts visitors from around the US, Canada, and beyond. More than 300 creative and gracious gardeners will open their gardens. 

F July 27: Family Nature Quest: Woodpeckers, 10:30 a.m. Visitors will look for signs and sightings of the many woodpeckers that call Reinstein Woods their home. Registration required. REIN 

July 31: Going Batty! 8 p.m. Bats are amazing animals but are often misunderstood. This presentation will separate fact from fiction about the only true flying mammals. Registration required. REIN 

F July 8–12, 22–26, 29 to August 2, 5–9: Summer Nature Week, 10–11:30 a.m. For parents and children ages 2–8. Explore, discover, craft, play games, and learn about nature. Friday sessions spent at the stream. For more information and to register go to

August 3: Summer Forest Bathing, 9:30 a.m. This walk will focus on the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest to induce relaxation and ease stress. Registration required. REIN 

August 3: Woods Walk: Aquatic Insects, 1 p.m. Fresh water covers less than one percent of the Earth’s surface, but six percent of insects spend one or more life stages in aquatic habitats. No registration required. REIN 

August 6–8: Summer Teacher Institute: Environmental Experiences for Great Lakes Educators, 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Three days of field trips with classroom connections and peer conversations. Students will learn about local environmental issues and initiatives, understand connections between historical land use and current events, and explore place-based learning opportunities for students. REIN 

August 10: I Bird NY, 10 a.m. Search for the birds that call Reinstein Woods home for the summer and start the I BIRD NY challenge. Registration required. REIN 

August 14: Senior Stroll, 10 a.m. Experience nature at an individual pace and enjoy a leisurely hour-long guided walk through the woods. For adults only. REIN 

F August 17: Stories in the Woods, 10:30 a.m. Enjoy hearing a nature story, followed by a guided walk in the woods. For children ages 3–7. Registration required. REIN 

August 17: Woods Walk: Nature Guide’s Choice, 1 p.m. Walkers will take a guided nature walk through the woods. No registration required. 

August 17: Urban Farm Day, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Visitors can interact with growers and groups that strengthen and support the food community. There will be talks, tours, markets, and activities throughout the day. 

August 19: Sturgeon Full Moon Walk, 7:30 p.m. Walkers will learn fun facts about Great Lakes sturgeon on this moonlit walk. Registration required. REIN

F August 24: Family Nature Quest: Forests, 10:30 a.m. Take a leisurely stroll through the woods to discover how forests help humans, and how humans can help forests and the creatures that call it home. Registration required. REIN 

F August 31: Family Wellness Walk, 10:30 a.m. Families can take a relaxing walk in the woods. Registration required. REIN


BECBG: Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo, NY 14218. 716/827-1584;

CCE/EC: Cornell Cooperative Extension, Erie County, 21 South Grove St., East Aurora, NY 14052. 716-652-5400 x174;

DRAV: Draves Arboretum, 1815 Sharrick Road, Darien, NY 14040. 585-547-3341; 

REIN: Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve, 93 Honorine Drive, Depew, NY 14043. 716-683- 5959;


F- Indicates activities especially appropriate for children and families. 

S- Indicates plant sales/swaps. 

T- Indicates garden tours. 

O-Online event. 



Adirondack Chapter, North American Rock Garden Society (ACNARGS) Meetings are open to all. Check the current newsletter on the website for meeting location: or

Auraca Herbarists, an herb study group, usually meets the second Tuesday of the month at noon, Cornell Botanic Gardens, Ithaca. Brown bag lunch at noon followed by the program and herb of the month. Field trips during the growing season. All are welcome. Contact: Pat Curran: pc**@co*****.edu

Elmira Garden Club meets the first Thursday of the month, April–December, at 6 p.m., 426 Fulton St., Elmira. Annual plant sale, workshops, monthly meetings, local garden tours and community gardening services. Karen Coletta, 607-731-8320, Facebook. 

Finger Lakes Native Plant Society meetings are usually on the third Tuesday of the month September to May. This is an organization dedicated to promoting the appreciation of native flora, holding free public field trips and indoor programs, and providing members a newsletter, seed exchange, native plant sale, and a December celebration of native plants., in**@fl***.org

Windsor NY Garden Group meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 10 a.m., members’ homes or Windsor Community House, 107 Main St., Windsor.


T July 14: Ithaca Fall Creek Garden Club Garden Tour, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. A free, self-guided annual tour to highlight a variety of urban gardens and gardeners. Garden hosts will be present to answer questions. pick up a map with garden locations and descriptions. Before starting, pick up a map with garden locations and descriptions at Thompson Park at the corner of Cayuga St. and Cascadilla Creek. While at the park, buy raffle tickets for prizes (drawing at 2:30 p.m.) donated by local garden centers. The garden club will also be selling colorful T-shirts featuring its woodcut logo. 



7th District Federated Garden Clubs New York State, Inc. meets the first Wednesday of the month. 

African Violet and Gesneriad Society of Rochester meets the first Thursday of the month September– November and March–May, 7–9 p.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church, 4301 Mt. Read Blvd., Rochester, NY 14616. December and June meetings are social events TBD location. Contacts: Douglas Burdick, 585-313-8674, db******@ms*.com . Barb Festenstein, 585-461-1673, ba*************@ao*.com

Bloomfield Garden Club meets the third Thursday of the month at 11:45 a.m., Veterans Park, 6910 Routes 5 & 20, Bloomfield. Visitors and prospective new members welcome. Marlene Moran, 585-924-8035, Facebook. 

Bonsai Society of Upstate New York meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Brighton Town Park Lodge, Buckland Park, 1341 Westfall Rd., Rochester. 585-334-2595, Facebook,

Canandaigua Botanical Society meets for in-person botanical events. See website for event schedule. Feb. 8 & 7 p.m.: Canandaigua Botanical Society Presentation to seed their Sesquicentennial year, Wood Library, 134 N. Main St., Canandaigua. 3/12, 7 p.m.: Gardening with Native Plants to Deter Invasive Species with Matt Gallo of Finger Lakes Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (FLPRISM) at HWS. 

Color Pittsford Green meets on the third Wednesday of the month, 6:45–7:45 p.m. via Zoom. All are welcome. 

Conesus Lake Garden Club meets the third Wednesday of the month (April–December) at 7 p.m., Chip Holt Nature Center, Vitale Park, Lakeville. Welcoming new members. Contact Dottie Connelly, 585-703-1748. 

Country Gardeners of Webster This club is for those who like to dig in the dirt, smell the roses, learn about the birds and bees, take a walk in the park, eat, drink, and be merry, or live in Webster. They meet the second Monday of the month. Contact Elaine at 585-350-8270 to try this fun-loving club out. 

Creative Gardeners of Penfield meets the second Monday of the month (except July and August) at 9:15 a.m., Penfield United Methodist Church, 1795 Baird Rd., Penfield. Visitors welcome. Contact 585- 385-2065 or 09*******@gm***.com if interested in attending a meeting.

Fairport Garden Club Meets the third Thursday evening of the month (except January, February, March, and August) in members’ homes or in the Perinton Ambulance building. Educational topics are presented through speakers, workshops, local tours, and community gardening i.e., Planter at Johanna Perrin School. fa********@gm***.com ,

Finger Lakes Daylily Society members garden in west-central NY, covering an area from Batavia to Syracuse and the Southern Tier. Meetings are held in Rochester or the Canandaigua area. There are generally four regular Saturday meetings held in February, March, May, and September. Visitors and prospective new members are welcome to attend. Contact Deb Lawrence for information, binxers1@ 

Friends of Ellwanger Garden meet all season long on Tuesday mornings. To volunteer at the garden, please contact Cindy Boyer at 585-546-7029, x12 or cb****@la*************.org .

Garden Club of Brockport meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m., Jubilee Church, 3565 Lake Rd., Brockport. Visitors can learn gardening tips from knowledgeable speakers, make garden ornaments through hands-on classes, and explore beautiful local gardens. For more info call or email Kathy, 585-431-0509 or ka*******@gm***.com

Garden Club of Mendon meets the third Tuesday of the month, 10 a.m.–1 p.m., Mendon Community Center, 167 North Main St., Honeoye Falls. Members work on community gardens and gather new ideas in a casual, social environment. 585-624-8182, jo**********@gm***.com

Garden Path of Penfield meets the third Wednesday of the month, September–May at 7 p.m., Penfield Community Center, 1985 Baird Rd., Penfield. Members enjoy all aspects of gardening, new members welcome. ga******************@gm***.com

Gates Garden Club meets the second Thursday of the month (except July and August) at 6:30 p.m., Gates Town Annex, 1605 Buffalo Rd., Rochester. New members and guests welcome. 585-247-1248, sc****@ya***.com

Genesee Region Orchid Society (GROS) meets the first Monday following the first Sunday of the month. Meetings in December, January, and February will be virtual. It is likely that meetings from March–May will be in person at the JCC. Please see the website for information,

Genesee Valley Hosta Society meets the second Thursday of the month, April–October, at Eli Fagan American Legion Post, 260 Middle Rd., Henrietta. 585-889-7678, se*******@fr*********.net ,

Greater Rochester Iris Society (GRIS) is an affiliate of the American Iris Society, meets on a Sunday during the months of March, April, September, and October at 2 p.m., St. John’s Episcopal Church Hall, 11 Episcopal Ave., Honeoye Falls, NY. Public welcome. Plant Sales, guest speakers or location visits, Volunteer Opportunities. Honeoye Falls, NY. 585-266-0302, th**********@ma*.com . 3/10, 2 p.m., Program to be announced. 

Greater Rochester Perennial Society (GRPS) meets the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 1200 South Winton Rd., Rochester, except in summer when it tours members’ gardens. Lectures are held virtually, and garden tours are being scheduled. 2/1, Virtual meeting via Zoom. Perennial Collector’s Treasure Chest with Kerry Ann Mendez, Awardwinning garden educator. 3/7, Spring Into Action 2.0—Five Steps To Maintenance Free Gardening with K.C. Fahy-Harvick, Gardening Matters. Location TBD. See website or Facebook for updates. cap704@,, 

Greater Rochester Rose Society meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. on Zoom January, February, and March. Email j.*******@gm***.com for meeting link. Questions: 585-694-8430. Facebook: Greater Rochester Rose Society

Henrietta Garden Club meets the second Wednesday each month (except May–August and December) at 6:30 p.m. A presenter will speak on gardening related subject at 7p.m. Guests and non-residents are welcome. Handicap accessible. Call 585-781- 0278. Lower level of the Henrietta Town Hall, 475 Calkins Rd, Henrietta.

Holley Garden Club meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., Holley Presbyterian Church. 585- 638-6973.

Hubbard Springs Garden Club of Chili meets the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Chili Community Center, 3237 Chili Ave., Rochester. dt******@ro*******.com  

Ikebana International Rochester Chapter 53 meets the third Thursday of each month (except December and February) at 10a.m., First Baptist Church, Hubbell Hall, 175 Allens Creek Rd., Rochester. 585- 301-6727, 585-402-1772, rochesterikebana@gmail. com,

Kendall Garden Club meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7p.m., Kendall Town Hall. 585-370-8964. 

Klemwood Garden Club of Webster meets the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. (except January and February) in members’ homes or local libraries. Accepting new members. 585-671-1961. 

Lakeview Garden Club (Greece) meets the second Wednesday of the month (except January and February) at 7 p.m., meeting location varies depending on activity. Meetings may include a speaker, project or visits to local garden-related sites. New members always welcome. Contact, Darlene Markham, dm******@ro*******.com

Newark Garden Club meets the first Friday of the month at 1 p.m., Park Presbyterian Church, Newark. Guests are welcome. 

Pittsford Garden Club meets the third Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Spiegel Center on Lincoln Ave. in the Village of Pittsford. The club usually meets in Room 18, but visitors should confirm at the front desk. New members are always welcomed. Annual plant sale on the third Saturday in May, parking lot behind the library. pi*****************@gm***.com

Rochester Dahlia Society meets the second Saturday of the month (except August and September) at 12:30 p.m., Trinity Reformed Church, 909 Landing Rd. North, Rochester. Visitors welcome. See website for up-to-date information concerning meetings and shows. Tuber swap for members on April 13. 585-865-2291, Facebook,

Rochester Herb Society meets the first Tuesday of each month (excluding January, February, and July) at noon, Pittsford Community Center, 35 Lincoln Ave., Pittsford, NY. Summer garden tours and day trips. New members welcome.

Rochester Permaculture Center meets monthly to discuss topics such as edible landscapes, gardening, farming, renewable energy, green building, rainwater harvesting, composting, local food, forest gardening, herbalism, green living, etc. Meeting location and details:

Seabreeze Bloomers Garden Club meets the fourth Wednesday of the month (except January) at 7 p.m., location varies depending on activity. Meetings may include a speaker, project, or visit to local gardenrelated site. Monthly newsletter. New members welcome. Meetings are currently canceled, contact Bonnie Arnold with any questions. Bonnie Arnold, 585-230-5356, bo**********@fr*********.net

Stafford Garden Club meets the third Wednesday of the month (except December and January) at 7 p.m., Stafford Town Hall, 8903 Morganville Rd. (Route 237), Stafford. Plant auction in May. All are welcome. 585-343-4494. 

Urban Agriculture Working Group (UAWG) meets via Zoom on the third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. UAWG is a collection of gardeners, community gardens, and individuals who garden/farm in the city or support such activities. UAWG offers a Spring Conference each year and sponsors the Urban Gardens ROC garden crawl in the fall. In addition, the group advocates for City policies that make urban gardening more accessible for people who want to grow fresh vegetables for themselves or their neighbors. If you are interested in getting on the email list, contact Mallory Hohl, md****@co*****.edu . You do not have to live in the city to participate.

Victor Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of the month (except January and February) at 6 p.m. New members welcome. Meeting and location details:, 

Williamson Garden Club. On-going community projects and free monthly lectures to educate the community about gardening. Open to all. 315-524-4204, gr*******@gm***.com ,


F- Indicates activities especially appropriate for children and families. 

S- Indicates plant sales/swaps. 

T- Indicates garden tours. 

O-Online event. 

July 18: Flower Show hosted by the 7th District Federated Garden Clubs, 1 p.m.–5 p.m. The theme of the show, “A Floral Century,” is a celebration of the garden club’s 100 years of activities. The public is invited to view the floral displays and be inspired. Admission and parking is free. Webster Golf Club, 440 Salt Road, Webster, NY. 

T July 20: Stunning Gardens—By Ordinary People, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. (Rain date July 21) The Seymour Library Foundation is hosting a tour of seven gardens in the Brockport area. Reservations are $25 per person and can be made at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, by email at se**********************@gm***.com , or by phone at 585-637-1050. Funds will be used in support of the Seymour Library. 

T July 27: Kiwanis Club Garden Tour, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Rain or shine. Five extraordinary gardens: three in Pittsford, two off Allens Creek Rd., Rochester, NY. Pre-show tickets $18 at Canandaigua National Bank locations. For additional information visit or call 585- 415-6035

F July 24–28: Genesee Valley Great Outdoors Week Visitors can explore ways to engage with the great outdoors in this area through a variety of activities. See website for details. GCVM

July 26–28: LotusFest 2024 Bergen Water Gardens Celebrate lotus blooming season at Bergen Water Gardens 7443 Buffalo Rd., Churchville, NY. 

O August 8: Garden Talk “What are Weeds Good For?” Noon–1 p.m. Weeds serve many useful functions: food, herbal remedies, removing toxins, preventing erosion, and even indicating soil types. Free. Register to attend in-person Held at CCE Genesee office, 420 E. Main St., Batavia. CCE/GC 

S August 10–11: Greater Rochester Iris Society Iris Rhizome Sale, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Tried and true rhizomes from members’ gardens as well as new hybridizer’s varieties at great prices. There will also be information on the planting and care of iris from society members. Bristol’s Garden Center, 7454 Rte. 96, Victor, NY 

August 24: Learn How to Make Hypertufa Pots, 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Make beautiful garden containers that will last for years with the wonderful Hyper Tufa technique. Each student creates their own pot to take home. Ages 14 and up. Cost is $35. BGC


S September 14: Fall Garden Gala, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.  Plant sale featuring a selection of perennial plants and houseplants, Chance Auction, book sale, and fresh flower arrangements. CCE/GC


BGC: Broccolo Garden Center, 2755 Penfield Road, Fairport 14450. 585-424-4476; 

CCE/MON: Cornell Cooperative Extension, Monroe County, 2449 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617. 585-753-2550;

CCE/ONT: Cornell Cooperative Extension, Ontario County, 480 North Main St., Canandaigua, NY 14424. 585/394-3977 x427; ne**@co*****.edu ;

GCVM: Genesee Country Village & Museum, 1410 Flint Hill Rd., Mumford, NY 14511. 585/538- 6822;



African Violet & Gesneriad Society of Syracuse meets the second Thursday of the month, September– December and March–May. Pitcher Hill Community Church, 605 Baily Rd., North Syracuse. 315-492- 2562. ji********@ve*****.net

Baldwinsville Women’s Garden Club meets the first Thursday of each month except January at St. Marks’ Lutheran Church in Baldwinsville at 7 p.m. The club plants the village flower barrels, raises money for the village flower hanging baskets, maintains the Pointe Garden, donates Arbor Day trees to schools, and gets involved in village improvement projects. Perennial sale yearly on Memorial Saturday morning in the village. See more information at Facebook, Women’s Garden Club of Baldwinsville

Bonsai Club of CNY (BCCNY) meets the first Saturday of the month 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Pitcher Hill Community Church, 605 Bailey Rd., North Syracuse. Contact Dave Taylor, da*******@ya***.com or 315- 395-3018., Bonsai Club of CNY on Facebook.

Cazenovia Garden Club usually meets the first Tuesday of the month at 10:15 a.m. at the Cazenovia Public Library. With an active membership, their objective is to stimulate interest in horticulture, develop skills in the beautification of community and home, and create awareness of national and local conservation issues. Meetings feature guest speakers and field trips are planned throughout the year. For more information contact ca***********@gm***.com

Central New York Orchid Society meets the first Sunday of the month, September–May, St. Augustine’s Church, 7333 O’Brien Rd., Baldwinsville. Dates may vary due to holidays. 315-633-2437,

Fairmount Garden Club meets the third Thursday of the month (March–November) at 6:30 p.m., Camillus Senior Center, 25 First St., Camillus. Speakers and community projects. All are welcome. to**********@ya***.com

Federated Garden Clubs NYS–District 6. 315-481- 4005, di******@gm***.com

Gardening Friends Club meets the third Tuesday of the month, March–December, at 6:30 p.m., Wesleyan Church, 4591 US Route 11, Pulaski. 315- 298-1276, Facebook: Gardening Friends of Pulaski, NY, Vi********@fr*********.net

Gardeners in Thyme (a women’s herb club) meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., Beaver Lake Nature Center, Baldwinsville. 315-635-6481, hb****@tw***.com

Habitat Gardening in CNY (HGCNY) meets the last Sunday of most months at 2 p.m. Liverpool Public Library, 310 Tulip St., Liverpool. HGCNY is a chapter of Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes; Free and open to the public. and Subscribe to the free e-newsletter by emailing in**@hg***.org

Home Garden Club of Syracuse usually meets the first Tuesday morning of the month. Members are active in educating the community about gardening, horticulture, and floral design and are involved with several civic projects in the Syracuse area. New members welcome. ho**********************@gm***.com ,

Koi and Water Garden Society of Central New York usually meets the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. See website for meeting locations. 315-458- 3199,

The Men and Women’s Garden Club of Syracuse meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Reformed Church of Syracuse, 1228 Teall Ave., Syracuse, NY. Meetings feature activities and/or guest speakers on gardeningrelated topics. The club also plans tours for its members. Members maintain gardens at Rosamond Gifford Zoo and Ronald McDonald House plus host annual flower shows. Regular club meetings at the church will take place in the months of March, April, May, August, September, and November. More information at and mw********************@gm***.com .

Southern Hills Garden Club meets the third Tuesday of each month, February through November. Meetings are held at the LaFayette Firehouse, 2444 US Route 11, LaFayette, NY 13084 and begin at 7 p.m., unless otherwise stated. Occasional off-site meetings typically take place at an earlier time. Guests are welcome and membership is open to anyone interested in gardening. For information, please contact Cathy Nagel 315-677-9342 or CE******@ao*.com .

Syracuse Rose Society meets the second Thursday of the month (except December) at 7 p.m., Reformed Church of Syracuse, 1228 Teall Ave., Syracuse. Enter from Melrose Ave. Club members maintain the E. M. Mills Memorial Rose Garden, Thornden Park, Syracuse. Public welcome.


F- Indicates activities especially appropriate for children and families. 

S- Indicates plant sales/swaps. 

T- Indicates garden tours. 

O-Online event. 

July 14: Fern Walk, 2 p.m. The Friends of Clark Reservation will sponsor a Fern Walk guided by biologist Mike Serviss. Serviss is a rare and threatened plant conservation specialist with a focus on propagation and reintroduction and has worked extensively with the endangered Hart’s Tongue Fern. He will identify and speak on the wide variety of ferns found at Clark Reservation. Some of the trails can be challenging, so please come prepared! To register: 

July 16: Southern Hills Garden Club will visit “The Garden of Edie,” 6 p.m. Edie has beautiful daylily display garden, where she raises and sells daylilies for Northern gardens. 5005 Creal Road, Homer NY. For information, please contact Cathy Nagel at 315- 677-9342 or Email CE******@ao*.com

August 21–September 1: New York State Flower Show: “Together We Garden.” Gardeners interested in participating should call 315-430-8846 or 315-727- 1030 or visit

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