Tiny mushroom ornaments
If you’ve been looking for small ways to decorate your home for fall and show off your creativity, we have the perfect craft for you.
If you’ve been looking for small ways to decorate your home for fall and show off your creativity, we have the perfect craft for you.
Rain chains are all the rage, and for good reason. These decorative metal chains redirect water from your gutter to the ground instead of your
It’s that time of year again, and you’ve got a long list of things to do. Student forms, lunch accounts, after-school care and sports, not
Audrey is a curious thirteen-year-old, searching for kids in the Rochester area who are doing big things. Today she interviews eleven-year-old Olivia Tatar, who organizes
These faux strawberries are meant to trick birds—supposedly our feathered friends will try to eat the painted rocks and when they find the fakes inedible,
What a glorious time of year! Spring is here and the sunny days are abundant. This is when I spend my free time preparing my
ACTIVE AND SPORTS CAMP PINNACLE 7600 Pinnacle Rd., Victor 585-433-2930 pinnacleathleticvictor.com Camp Pinnacle gets children active on 60,000 square feet of turf, two basketball courts,
The sun is shining, and the garden beckons. As you plan and prep for the spring and summer, consider adding a little handmade decor to
A NOTE FROM CRAFTY CAT Happy winter crafty kids! If you are looking for a fun afternoon activity, try this p-awesome spin on watercolor painting.
by Cathy Monrad MATERIALSBurlap Embroidery thread in desired colorPaint in desired colorStencil of desired patternGarden flag pole for 12-inch flag TOOLSRulerScissorsMarker (same color as thread)PinsDarning needle 2