The sun is shining, and the garden beckons. As you plan and prep for the spring and summer, consider adding a little handmade decor to your yard. This fun wind chime craft is an easy, inexpensive way to add some sparkling charm to your space.
From the thrift store:
-Stainless steel flatware
-A metal colander or other piece of metal dishware that has holes around the rim
From the craft and hardware store:
-28-gauge galvanized steel wire—this is “hanging” wire that is easy to bend and is very strong. We do not recommend thinner craft wire as it may not be strong enough.
-Steel-reinforced epoxy putty, or hot glue Fishing line—opt for fishing line rather than nylon cord for crafts.
-Disposable gloves
-A variety of colored glass or plastic beads Chain or twine
-Pliers with wire cutters
1. The length and number of the “chimes” will depend on the size of your colander and your personal preference. Once you’ve decided how many utensils you’d like to use, cut (or bend and break) several lengths of wire to your desired length. Keep in mind you will also be adding a fishing line to hang it from the colander. Make sure to account for the few inches that you will wrap around the utensil.
2. Carefully wrap the end of the utensil with the wire, leaving about two inches for hanging, and secure it with a dab of the epoxy or hot glue. Make sure to wear gloves during this step. Bend a small loop at the end.
3. Attach a length of fishing line to the loop with a tight knot. String several beads on the fishing line. Attach the other end of the line to your colander. Once the cutlery is tied to the colander, use a chain or twine to hang your finished wind chime outside.
Christine Green is the managing editor of Upstate Gardeners’ Journal.
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