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March/April, 2020 – Upstate Gardeners’ Journal

Spring migrants

by Liz Magnanti Male indigo bunting. Photo courtesy Flickr: Kelly Colgan Azar Mornings are starting to fill with the sounds of spring, and birds are beginning to be our alarm clocks as we progress into longer and warmer days. Over the next month or two, upstate New York will become a hotbed of migrating birds. …

Garden games

by Cathy Monrad Who doesn’t love lady bugs? Or bumblebees? Or a good game of Tic Tac Toe? This cute project from Alecia at mashes up the three for a bit of garden fun for all ages. MATERIALSWood slice; 1-inch thick and 9–12 inches diameter10 smooth black river rocks; 5 round and 5 oblongAcrylic …

The beer garden

by John Boccacino Barone Gardens Having grown up on a family farm situated on South Bay Road in Cicero, John Barone admits that farming was probably “in his blood” from an early age. Producing mostly onions, Barone embraced his family’s ties to farming and started a retail farm market in 1987 that quickly morphed into …

Mr. Tilly’s garden: Laying down tracks

story and photos by Christine Froehlich Learning is designed to be fun here—the only hard part is deciding what you want to see first When Paul Tilly was a kid, he longed for a train set. “I grew up on a busy farm and there just wasn’t time for playing with trains,” he said. Besides …

Almanac: What to do in the garden in March & April

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