As we surround ourselves with family and friends this winter, we tend to also surround ourselves with comfort food – especially at parties, including the ultimate big game food fiasco. In my Greek family, food does not disappoint. But the guilt can get the better of us. It’s not easy eating healthy, right? Well, through trial and error, I’ve come to realize you can win the food fight. Here’s a list of tips for eating healthier at parties:

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Snacks for watching a football game. Super Bowl day party.
1. Eat a healthy snack before the party
This will reduce the urge to grab those sneaky snacks be-fore dinner is served. Choose a snack with protein and healthy fats to help hold you over. My favorite snack is an apple with peanut butter.
2. Bring a healthy dish
Pretty self-explanatory. If you are asked to bring a dish, bring some-thing nutritious that you (and others) will eat. This guarantees something healthy and delicious is available. Suggestions include a mixed green salad, fruit salad, caprese salad, tomato and chickpea salad, roasted veggies, quinoa tabbouleh, vegetable coleslaw, and mini stuffed peppers.
3. Do not hang out by the food
Easier said than done. At parties I find I munch even when I am not hungry, almost as a reflex. Just because it’s there, or other people are eating, doesn’t mean you need to snack to fit in. In a way, it’s a sort of unintentional peer pressure. Now, I am not discouraging eating, because like you, I love food, I am encouraging making conscious decisions and eating when the body is actually hungry.
4. Would I eat an apple?
Ask yourself this question when you are about to get
a second snack/plate/dessert. If the answer is, “No, I wouldn’t eat an apple now,” you’re probably not hungry, but just giving into cravings. I got this tip from and I love it! I ask myself this at home, too, when I can’t figure out if I am hungry or bored. (If apples aren’t your cup of tea, any produce works.)
5. Fill your plate first with salad veggies and fruit
I find this to be one of the most helpful and easiest tips. By filling your plate with the good stuff first it ensures you are getting nutrients, and it leaves less room for junk. If you have a say in the arrangement of the food, place the salad and veggies first in the food line to encourage people to fill plates with the good stuff. It is proven that whatever foods you see first will occupy the most space on your plate, so do yourself a favor and put those healthy goodies first.
6. Wait five minutes before Round Two
Food doesn’t digest instantaneously. It takes the body time to start digestion and send the brain a message that it is actually full. By waiting that extra couple of minutes, the body will tell you if it needs more food or is satiated.
7. There will be more parties
If you are debating getting another bite, even though you’re completely stuffed, remember there will be more parties, more food.
8. Set goals
Before you even get to the party, make a goal. For example, plan to eat just one cookie instead of the usual three. Make goals achievable because the point is to succeed.
9. Learn from your mistakes
If something sets you into a downward spiral at one party remember that and think of ways to prevent the same thing from happening again.
Remember, moderation is the key, even if enjoying some cake or chips. And sure, healthy eating is tough when that delicious-looking and delicious-smelling pizza is taunting you, so take small steps and also create some healthy eating tips that work for you.
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