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Make your own winter bird feeder wreath

Homemade bird feeder wreath hanging by red ribbon on a tree branch in Rochester, NY.


A bundt pan for large feeder or donut pan for small feeders 

Bird food 

Fresh or pre-frozen cranberries (optional, but they add a pop of color!) 

Ribbon: larger feeder needs about 30 inches of 3 inch wide ribbon; the donut size feeders need about 12 inches of halfinch wide ribbon


Add bird feed and a few cranberries into the bundt pan or donut pan. Cover the seed mixture with water. Note: The cranberries will float.


If the outside temperature is below 32 degrees F, you can set the feeder outside overnight to freeze. If the temperature is above 32 degrees F, you can place the pan in the freezer overnight.


After completely frozen, the feeder is ready to unmold. (Wait until the temperature outside is at or below 32 degrees F before hanging or the feeder will melt too quickly.) To unmold bundt pan size feeder: set on table or countertop for 5 to 10 minutes to warm up a bit. The donut size feeder only requires a few minutes at room temperature. Turn over the pan on flat surface to remove feeder wreath. 

STEP 4 Thread one end of the ribbon through the wreath center and knot both ends together at top to form hanger. Place feeder on a strong branch and enjoy birdwatching!


– If the frozen wreath is difficult to unmold, lay a warm washcloth on the bottom and sides of pan to slightly melt the ice. 

– Some birds will eat dried cranberries if you don’t have fresh or frozen.

Read more: Crafts & DIY

This article originally appeared in the Winter 2025 issue of (585) Kids.

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