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From the Publisher: May-June 2019

Happy spring!

This issue’s theme is lilacs, and we have all kinds of lilac fun inside, plus a feature on bioswales and rain gardens, our ever-popular almanac and calendar listings, and lots more. I really think you will enjoy it!

My Close Friend and Personal Confidant Ted “Doc Lilac” Collins has been gone from us a little more than a year now. I think of him every day, maybe because of the sticky note on my computer screen that says “Call Ted.” I put it there a week or so before he died, but I never did make that call. I just haven’t had the heart to take it down. 

Lately, though, it’s been falling off on its own. I stick it back up and then think, should I tape it? Should I super glue it? Should I put it in the recycling? If I throw it away, will I forget him?

Of course not. 

Probably the best way to remember Ted is to get out there and smell the lilacs—maybe even plant a few!

Thanks, as always for reading—


Jane Milliman, Publisher

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