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Frederick Douglass Resource Center

The Frederick Douglass Resource Center is a non-profit, cultural arts organization committed to articulating the life and legacy of Frederick Douglass and Afrikan American heritage and culture.

Through culturally conscious, educational programming, we will effect positive change as it relates to self-image and esteem, commUNITY economic viability and true social justice.

With Frederick Douglass serving as our guide, we endeavor to continue the legeacy of promoting excellence in education and service to the commUNITY.

At the core of our work is cultural education to empower and inspire. We believe that by embracing our history in its entirety and by working within the historical framework of Frederick Douglass’ legacy, tourists to and residents of our city, can immerse themselves in and celebrate the many contributions made by Douglass and those whose shoulders he stood and we should stand on.

Cultural tours, invigorating programs, dramatic interpretations and historical reenactments are made available to bring to life Afrikan American movements for positive change. The FDRC gives a voice the soul of a People who, for far too long, have gone unheard.

Our attention to Customer Service and Quality Programming has made us Rochester’s Premiere African American Cultural Institution. At the FDRC, our guests always come first. We are committed to strive toward meeting and exceeding your expectations — every visit! With the facility’s wide range of program possibilities, in combination with our flexibility and attention to detail, you are sure to find exactly what you are looking for.

Call us today to find out more about how you too can schedule a cultural program or explore the array of opportunities we offer.

36 King Street, Rochester, New York 14608

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