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The Common Core: why some area parents, teachers, & educators oppose the new initiative

Students taking a test The 2014-15 school year is well started, and by now, most of the thousands of area children enrolled in school in and around Monroe County have settled into a routine and are adjusting to another year of classes. While their attentions are focused on mastering their math, English, science and social …

Rochester Children’s Book Festival and Community Partnership

Book Fest When children meet the people behind the pages of their favorite books, wonder and excitement fuel a day filled with learning. At the Rochester Children’s Book Festival (RCBF), authors explain to kids how ideas become stories, illustrators demonstrate how characters are brought to life, and children leave clutching self-made crafts and books signed …

Rethinking Thanksgiving with Perry Ground

Perry Ground We all think we know the true Thanksgiving story. But do we really? “Probably not,” says Perry Ground, Turtle Clan (Onondaga Nation) member, cultural educator, and professional Native American storyteller. In fact, Perry suggests that what most Americans have learned about the Thanksgiving holiday is a combination of fabrication, myth, and history, that …

Sugar Cookie Party Mix

sugar cookie party mix Ingredients: 6  cups Rice Chexâ„¢ cereal 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1/4  cup granulated sugar 2  tablespoons corn syrup 2  teaspoons pure vanilla 1/4  cup powdered sugar 1  ounce white baking chocolate or 1/4 cup vanilla milk chips 1-2  teaspoons colored edible glitter or sugar sprinkles Directions: Measure cereal into large microwaveable …

Ways to Connect with Your Kids

As parents, we have been hearing for years about the many benefits of family dinner. Research shows that children who routinely enjoy meals with their parents have lower rates of substance abuse and depression, a stronger sense of belonging and even a better vocabulary. Unfortunately, non-traditional work schedules, extra-curricular activities and other necessary obligations make …

Resolutions for the Not-so-perfect Parent

Considering the innumerable parenting books I’ve read and parenting workshops I’ve attended, I should be a perfect parent. I’m not. I’ve been a parent long enough, however, to realize that if I keep pressing forward and doing the best job I can with a loving and sincere heart, my kids won’t be eternally scarred by …

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