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Stump the Chump: July-August 2016


I’m in the olive family,
My fragrances divine,
I bloom in June, also July,
As a street tree, I am fine.

Grandma loved my shrubby kin,
With tulips a great bouquet!
Too bad she moved away.

I’m native to the orient,
Like many a tree or shrub.
If you live in Rochester,
You oughta know me, bub.


The first person to answer correctly, genus and species please, will win an Upstate Gardeners’ Journal mug. Please call  585/301-7181 or email


to guess. We will accept guesses starting July 18, 2016, in order to give everyone a fair chance. Good luck!


The answer to the March-April 2016 quadruple stumper: 1. Fagus grandifolia, 2. Cornus mas, 3. Forsythia suspensa, 4. Catulpa catulpa.

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