There’s always some glitch or another when we’re getting ready to go to press with the Upstate Gardeners’ Journal. This issue was particularly weird, as our email server was down for at least a week leading up to publication. Twenty years ago, we communicated with our advertisers mostly via phone, fax machine and even the U. S. Mail (woah!), but in 2017, email trouble is real trouble. Thank goodness for text messages and cell phones. And thank goodness for Cathy and Debbie, who always make it work.
If you have interacted with the magazine in any way over the past several years, you have probably met, albeit virtually, Cathy Monrad and/or Debbie Eckerson. Since 2008 Debbie has managed our subscriptions, and she’s the one who puts together our magnificent (if I do say so myself), comprehensive calendar of events. Recently Deb has also taken on the duties of managing editor, and she helps with deliveries, too!
Cathy Monrad joined the team in 2012 as graphic designer, but she is much, much more than that. For one thing, Cathy is incredibly crafty, as you can see by her “Crafty Gardener” column in each issue. She is imaginative, organized, and a tireless worker, and our advertisers love her and what she does with their ads. (She’s also helping with deliveries. And sales. And…and…)
A glance at the masthead will show that there are many
people involved with making the UGJ happen, but Cathy and
Deb put the hard work in every day, and I am very grateful
for everything they do.
—Jane Milliman, Publisher
PS) Shameless plug: If you would like to hang out with these two ladies (and who wouldn’t?) come on our annual Ithaca shopping extravaganza June 3. Details are on page 39 and our website, Sign up now—the trip sells out quickly.
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