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From the Publisher: March-April 2018

GardenScape poster artist Debbie Bonnewell

There’s no doubt about it: this winter has been a slog. But the March-April issue is as sure a sign of spring as anything. With it comes the garden shows! GardenScape will be back this year in its usual location at the Dome in Henrietta, March 8–11.

Of course, we are huge fans of Plantasia, the flower and landscape show at the fairgrounds in Hamburg that just keeps getting better. We are honored to again be the official program of the show, which runs March 22–25. For a full list of seminars, go to the last page in this book.

Carol Southby

Joseph Tychonievich

With the Rochester Civic Garden Center’s eminent dissolution there is no RCGC spring symposium this year. But the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe County’s Master Gardeners are moving their symposium, Gathering of Gardeners, from its usual spot in the fall to April 28 at the Doubletree on Jefferson Road. The theme is “Gardens that Rock!” and the featured speakers are Joseph Tychonievich, with “Rock Gardening: Reimagining a Classic Style” and “Cool, Non-Wimpy Plants You Haven’t Heard Of,” and Carol Southby, who will present “Combining Plants for Special Effects.” A continental breakfast and plant sale add to the fun.

The Maplewood Neighborhood Association in Rochester is seeking horticulture-related vendors to participate in the 28th annual Maplewood Rose Festival. This year’s festival will be held on Saturday, June 9, from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. The festival draws thousands of participants that come to revel in the beauty of the Maplewood Rose Garden, partake in workshops and tours, and purchase plants for their own gardens. The vendor fee for the 2018 Maplewood Rose Festival is $30. Registration deadline is May 25. To learn more or to register as a vendor contact Sara Scott at 585-820-8860 or



If you are a WNY resident interested in learning how to care for young trees, check out the CommuniTREE Steward Project being offered by the Cooperative Extension of Erie County, in five parts, beginning March 21. Buffalo Olmsted Parks will again host the classes at Parkside Lodge in Delaware Park and in return for the training, the stewards are asked to volunteer at least 10 hours annually caring for juvenile trees. or 716-652-5400 x 150

We’re trying something new this year, which is to give each issue a theme. This issue’s theme is herbs, and the next is emerging garden trends. We are always looking for writers and ideas, so drop us a line if you have something in mind! You can reach managing editor Debbie Eckerson at



Jane Milliman

Thanks, as always, for reading!


Jane Milliman, Publisher

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