Buffalo Zoo Lion
Gemsbok and mouflon and addax, oh my! Get a glimpse of these exotic animals along with some of their more familiar friends like the rhino, elephant and sea lion. Check out their natural habitats, take a ride on the train, or catch one of the live animal demonstrations at this year-round attraction.
The Children’s Zoo, a fabulous petting zoo, allows kids to get up-close and personal with domestic animals like Ossabaw Island pigs, Karakul sheep and Sardinian donkeys. While at the Children’s Zoo check out the outdoor animal demonstrations and interactive stations. Next door at Lorikeet Landing, an open-air aviary open during the warmer months, visitors are surrounded by exotic birds. See if you can get a few to eat right out of your hand!
Other attractions include the Gorilla house, Giraffe Feeding Station and a two-story exhibit that recreates the climate and geography of Venezuela’s Canaima National Park.
Plan to spend the day as there is so much to see and do.
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