Grandparents, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how important you are to your grandchild(ren). You are so much more than an occasional babysitter. You teach without it even seeming like you are, and your wisdom is soaked up better than any lecture from a parent. You may not realize just how profoundly you affect your grandchildren. To keep your connection with them alive, read on for 14 traditions you can start with your grandchildren. Most of them are pretty adaptable so you can continue them as your grandchildren grow.
1. Explore your “stuff” with them. Take the kids on a tour of your attic, basement and special treasures throughout the house − baseball cards, music that is important to you, books, photos, autographs, special toys, journals.. Kids learn so much about you and about history through this tradition.
2. Go fishing. Boys and girls alike are always up for a short stint of fishing, either on a boat, off a dock or in a nearby pond. They not only learn how to bait a hook and cast the line, but their faces light up when they actually catch a fish. And if they don’t … well, you still get some time to find out what’s on their minds.
3. Take a girl out for a day of beauty or do your own at home. My girls love it when Grandma Mac brushes their hair because she is so patient and gentle and talks to them so lovingly while doing it. A simple session of nail painting can be very relaxing and the perfect time for a girl-to-girl chat.
4. Do an activity that interests your grandchild. For instance, if you have a granddaughter who loves ballet, take her to see “The Nutcracker.” If your grandson loves trains, take him on a train ride.
5. Snuggle up and read some stories, no matter how old your grandchild is. Make up stories, create some and write them down in a notebook and illustrate them, too. Tell your grandchildren what your child (their parent) was like at their ages and some of the messes he got into. My parents love to tell my kids how I used a poison ivy leaf as a powder puff once … and paid the price!
6. Write each of your grandchildren a letter. You can write one when each is born, sharing your feelings about each of their births and hopes for their futures. You can write one later, giving advice and pointing out their strengths. Write one just for milestones or write one every year … it’s up to you. Trust me, it will be treasured.
7. Teach a skill. Do you crochet, build furniture, paint, cook the best chicken and noodles in the state? Could you teach your grandchild how to start a budget, how to care for cows, how to grow blackberries? Tutu (my mom) got my kids interested in rocks when she gave them some quartz crystal chunks. Let your grandkids share in your activities — they may uncover a hidden talent.
8. Make something together. The possibilities are endless: bake cookies, start a sewing, wood or other craft project, plant a tree or a pot of wildflowers. My husband’s grandma made wooden stick horses for all of her grandchildren, and they still have them. Now my kids play with them … 40 years later.
9. Go on a nature walk or to a nearby park, zoo or nature center. If you aren’t physically fit, now is a great time to get that way by going on a short nature hike with the kids or pushing them on the merry-go-round.
10. Play a game, throw a ball. You can play something your grandchild wants to play, like Candyland, or tackle something you want to teach, like checkers, chess or gin rummy. While Poppy is always good for a game of marbles on the floor, Papa Dave makes them scream by hiding and then chasing them around the yard and house.
11. Call it a night. My sons loves shrimp, so my dad makes them a dinner of shrimp, potatoes and green beans and tops it off with a big bowl of sherbet while they watch a movie. Then they spend the night and wake up to eggs, hash browns, bacon and a day full of fun.
12. Take your grandchild on a trip for a great learning opportunity, and make some special memories in the process. It doesn’t need to be lengthy or costly. A day trip to a neat landmark for a fun activity would do the trick! An indoor children’s museum, like The Strong National Museum of Play, is a great place to sit and observe and participate with your grandchild while he plays. Check out to find children’s museums outside of the Rochester area.
13. Volunteer together. My father-in-law takes my 10-year-old son to a food bank every few weeks for three hours where they sort donated food, then they go out to lunch. Head to to find all sorts of volunteer opportunities you can do with your grandchild.
14. Show up. Attend as many sports games, scouting events, performances and other activities that your grandchild is involved in as you can. This can be difficult if you have many grandchildren living close who are big into activities, so just do your best. Your presence is definitely looked forward to and appreciated.
Kerrie McLoughlin ( feels very blessed that her 5 kids have all 6 of their grandparents living so close and that she gets to see her 4 grandparents regularly.
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