The series sets out to illustrate the connection between criminal justice data and people’s lives – every data point tells a story. The Let’s Be Clear film series features 12 captivating stories from people whose first-hand accounts remind us that data isn’t abstract – every criminal justice data point represents a life.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session with two of the storytellers featured in the series, Hillary Transue and Ivonne Roman, whose stories you won’t want to miss. These stories are powerful, and there’s nothing quite like seeing them on the big screen.
Measures for Justice is a nonpartisan nonprofit that’s bringing transparency and accountability into the mix of how justice gets pursued in this country.
Panelists include:
Hillary Transue, educator and advocate
Ivonne Roman, Co-founder, 30×30 Initiative and retired Police Chief
Amy Bach, CEO, Measures for Justice