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Behind the scenes | Kodak & the Amazing Ektacolor Dream Collab

Behind-the-scenes :: Kodak & the Amazing Ektacolor Dream Collab from (585) magazine on Vimeo.

Mastering the art of observation

A group of medical students from the University of Rochester are doing rounds—but not at a hospital. Instead, they’re moving from painting to painting at the University of Rochester’s Memorial Art Gallery and at each stop must answer a simple question: What do you see? Slowly their observations unfurl, as each student reveals a new …

What's he thinking?

If you were to Google the definition of “bros,” my male friends—let’s call them Chad, Michael, and Murray—would hardly fit the descriptions of obnoxious frat boys chugging beer out of red Solo cups. In contrast, they have great jobs and are well-liked, affable professionals in the community. They’re also involved in many extracurricular activities such …

Drink like a Viking

“Drink like a Viking.” That’s the slogan of the Potoczak family, operators of Corfu’s new Midgard Winery. The Potoczaks have been beekeepers for close to forty years, and the raw honey they use to make their wine comes from their own apiary, run in a noninvasive, organic style.  Mead, or honey wine, like many “new” …

"Rochester made means QUALITY"

An unwavering commitment to excellence was the mission guiding one of Rochester’s earliest industries, one that operated continuously throughout the Industrial Age under the direction of four generations of the Cunningham family. It was 1834, and Andrew Jackson was President when James Cunningham, a native Scotsman and Canadian émigré, made a stopover in Rochester, America’s …

Nick’s Chophouse: When you just want a decent steak

This magazine and, it seems, much of the Rochester media corps, is constantly urging you to be more adventurous in your dining choices. There are hundreds of creative chefs in this market delivering the best of ethnic tradition and fresh, new trends that tap into the incredible agricultural bounty of the area. But sometimes you …

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