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A compulsion to relax

A sign at the door asks me to take off my shoes. “You don’t have to,” says David Brickman, the owner of Bodymind Float Center.

Home brewed in Rochester

The craft beer scene continues to grow and thrive in the (585); new breweries are popping up around the region, local gastropubs are becoming more

Nick's Picks: Shmeg's

There is an old notion in Rochester that says east side restaurants serve fancy, dainty food, while west side restaurants use simple ingredients and dole

Nick's Picks: Shortwave

Patrons of Radio Social now have an alternative to the restaurant’s dinner menu. With the recent addition of Shortwave, a fast-service ordering counter, diners have

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This Month's Articles

A compulsion to relax

A sign at the door asks me to take off my shoes. “You don’t have to,” says David Brickman, the owner of Bodymind Float Center.

Home brewed in Rochester

The craft beer scene continues to grow and thrive in the (585); new breweries are popping up around the region, local gastropubs are becoming more

Nick's Picks: Shmeg's

There is an old notion in Rochester that says east side restaurants serve fancy, dainty food, while west side restaurants use simple ingredients and dole

Nick's Picks: Shortwave

Patrons of Radio Social now have an alternative to the restaurant’s dinner menu. With the recent addition of Shortwave, a fast-service ordering counter, diners have

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