by Cathy Monrad

Chances are, you have the materials required for this project either sitting around gathering dust or packed away in storage. Thrift stores and garage sale are great places to find the bud vase and bowl needed to create this whimsical addition to your garden.
I spent some time experimenting with various bowl and bud vase sizes until I was happy with the look, and decided to make a grouping of three with differing heights.
Materials for each mushroom
1 glass bowl
1 glass vase
Painters tape
Water & weather proof glass adhesive for outdoor use
To Make Each Mushroom
1. Clean bowl and vase throughly, and let dry overnight.
3. Mark the placement by lightly pressing small pieces of tape on the bowl about ¼ inch from the vase lip.
2. With bowl rightside up and vase upside down, dry fit the “mushroom top and stem” together by centering the vase in the bowl.
4. Remove vase and run a bead of glue along the top of it. Press the vase onto bowl within marked area.
5. Inspect for glue seepage. Remove any tape that has glue on it, otherwise, leave tape in place until glue has dried completely—about 24 hours.
Although the glue is formulated for outdoor use, the project will last longer if placed in a shaded location.
Cathy Monrad is the graphic designer and exalted garden crafter for the Upstate Gardeners’ Journal.
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