Afterschool Activities
For years, parents have been hearing that kids have too many activities, too much homework, too-heavy backpacks, too much screen time, too much sugar … and on and on.
Personally, I find most parents are intelligent, conscientious, and trying to find a healthy middle ground for everyone in the family.
Most parents want their kids to have just the right amount of afterschool activities.
The vast majority seems committed to helping kids become happy, healthy, well-rounded citizens without pushing them into activity overload.
There is much to gain by participating in afterschool activities. Kids can benefit artistically, physically, socially, mentally, and personally. I contacted several afterschool activity pros on this topic, and they shared the following benefits:

Fit, Confident Kids
As Elle Woods reminds us in the film Legally Blonde, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” But motivating kids to get off the couch is not always easy for parents.
Your kids are usually not looking to YOU to motivate them, to run some wind sprints or gut crunches. They need someone else to step in and motivate them to get moving. This is where afterschool activities come in, preferably with dedicated, motivating coaches and instructors leading the way.
Physical activities increase coordination, inspire discipline, and provide energy outlets for restless kids. So let another trusted adult be in charge for a change, and enjoy your down time while your kids get more fit.
Lights Who Shine

As much as we would like our kids to carry on our values and ideals, it’s really up to them to communicate to us who they are and what they believe. And while we may like to think our children are born whole and complete, the truth is kids often discover what they are made of after they become immersed in activities that stretch and challenge them.
Engaging kids in activities where they feel fully immersed in the experience and are responsible for their own mastery helps kids discover what makes them tick. When it comes to finding an activity for your child, look for outlets that challenge them while providing gradual instruction and skill development.
Part of Something Greater
Afterschool activities offer kids outlets for expressing their energy within a safe learning context. Feeling part of a group with a purpose is a beautiful thing; so make sure the space where your child spends time is safe, fun, and growth-centric.
Often kids become as attached to a center, a studio, or a routine as much as they do to a group of peers.
When kids go off to their activities, they should feel like they are going to one of their favorite places — to their home away from home. If this is not the case for your child, you may wish to check out other possibilities.

Memorably Connected
If there is one thing all afterschool activity professionals agree on, it’s the importance of making memories via meaningful connections.
Engaged, smiling, busy children are typically happy children. Whether your child’s activity happens in a place rife with variety or in a more specialized space, your child is sure to grow over time, make memories, and understand herself better with regular participation in afterschool activities.
Why not let your kids have the continuity of years of ongoing participation? It’s hard to advance up the activity ranks if you dabble in one activity and then another. In elementary school perhaps provide your child with opportunities to try different activities. Then see if she wants to commit to an activity or two during middle school. She can always switch to different activities once she gets to high school, if she so wishes.
Some students need extra help to keep up academically, so don’t panic if your child turns out to be one of them. Your child may need extra help that addresses specific needs like standardized test preparation or responding to learning gaps. Other kids simply need help becoming more satisfied students.
Tutoring can definitely increase not just aptitude but also enthusiasm. And just as parents don’t always make the best coaches, we also don’t always make the best tutors, either. Besides, kids often progress faster and more willingly when they work with mentors they don’t already know.
And good news, raising academic confidence by teaching learning skills in one subject that can pay off in increased academic confidence across the board. So if your child is struggling with critical reading, vocabulary, or math skills, why not try a local tutoring service? Your child has nothing to lose and much to gain.
Kids need to feel successful today to become successful tomorrow, and activities can help them experience positive growth gradually. If you don’t channel your child’s energy, sedentary activities like playing video games and watching TV will always be a temptation.
If you want engaged, involved, and smiling kids, help them find activities they enjoy. You will be so glad you did.
Afterschool Activities For Kids
- Dance
- Music lessons and performance
- Painting
- Sculpting
- Ceramics
- Arts and crafts
- Theater lessons and performance
- Creative writing
- Volunteering
- Faith groups
- Gardening
- 4-H Club
- Scouting or Camp Fire
- Youth government
- School leadership
- Mentoring
- Tutoring
- Yearbook
- Robotics
- Science club
- Chess club
- School Band or Orchestra
- School Choir
- Nature preservation
- Philanthropic groups
- Soccer
- Swimming
- Baseball
- Softball
- Basketball
- Lacrosse
- Field hockey
- Volleyball
- Football
- Cheerleading
- Tennis
- Gymnastics
- Horseback riding
- Skiing
- Cross-country
- Race preparation
- Track and field
- Skating
- Martial arts
- Hockey
- Biking
- Golf
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