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Young boy smiling at camera as he relaxes on table piled up with books
Many students have tutors for help in various subjects. The plethora of students includes those who have declining grades, poor time-management skills, difficulty understanding his or her homework, or learning disabilities.
If you are considering engaging a tutor, your first questions may be “Who?” and “How?” Here are some tips for finding a reliable tutor you can trust and whose services fit your budget.
How to find a tutor
Your child’s teacher and school administrators are good places to start. They most likely can recommend a tutor in your community or an online resource.
Chances are one of your child’s friends has a tutor, so other parents may know a tutor they recommend.
An online search will generate names of local tutoring companies, with some offering onsite tutoring and others offering in-home tutoring.
Websites devoted to helping parents find tutors include Takelessons.com, which provides a searchable database of tutors. Just enter the subject and your zip code to find numerous tutors in your area, along with their parent ratings and fees per session.
Another source is Care.com, which connects various service professionals, including tutors, with those seeking services. Experience in tutoring varies widely, so be sure to check their reviews.
Online tutoring is another popular choice today. But bear in mind, this isn’t the right thing for every child. Plus, the costs for online tutoring aren’t always consistent with quality and many tutoring websites receive only fair to mediocre reviews at best.
Free tutoring
If tutoring isn’t in your budget, you still have options.
The first place to start is with your child’s school. Although the No Child Left Behind Act is now defunct, some schools still offer one-on-one tutoring programs for eligible students.
Many schools also offer afterschool group tutoring where children stay after to work on their homework with a teacher made available to assist. Also, some teachers generously offer afterschool tutoring for their students.
If tutoring isn’t available at your child’s school, ask trusted family members, neighbors, and friends if they can help. You might be surprised to discover someone you know is very enthused to help your struggling child.
Contact a local high school and college. Students majoring in certain subjects may be required to perform a number of hours tutoring. For that reason, college students may offer to tutor for free.
Another option, the popular Khan Academy website, offers free online video tutorials for students of all levels at khanacademy.org.
What to look for

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Tutoring 2
High School Tutor Giving Male Student One To One Tuition At Desk
There are several factors to consider when looking for a tutor for your child.
Is the tutor qualified? Your best bet is to look for someone with a teaching degree, since tutoring requires skills not everyone possesses. For younger students, as long as the tutor has a teaching degree, specialization in the particular subject in which your child is struggling isn’t necessary. From high school and beyond, though, you should look for a tutor with expertise in the particular subjects in which your child needs help.
Does the tutor have the right personality? First, a tutor should be patient, empathetic, positive, passionate, creative, and fun. These are important characteristics to ensure your child can learn from the tutor and walk away with self-confidence. Also, the tutor’s personality should be a good fit for your child. You want a tutor who can connect with your child and vice versa.
Is the tutor flexible? Each child has his or her own learning style, whether it’s visual, aural, physical, verbal, logical, or a combination. In addition, some kids are solitary learners, whereas others are social learners who enjoy learning in groups. Look for a setting and tutor that fits your child’s style.
Does the tutor have excellent references? When using an online tutoring service, you’ll often find reviews from previous clients. Look for those with overall high ratings and positive comments — and still be sure to ask for references.
Also, be aware the references a tutor provides might not be an entirely accurate depiction of their character and experience. So use due diligence for your child’s safety and to ensure you’re paying for quality service.
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