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Ask Dr. Amy

by Dr. Amy Jerum, DNP, CPNP-PC,PMHS Dear Dr. Amy: My darling daughter just informed me that she is not going to sleep-away camp although it’s

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Ask Dr. Amy

by Dr. Amy Jerum, DNP, CPNP-PC,PMHS Dear Dr. Amy: Our kids, ages 12 and 14, are always asking for money! They are supposed to do

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Cuts like a knife

  My son, a high school junior, has been playing basketball for 10 years. After months of hard work through summer league, weight room, fall league,

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The Cynical Mother

by Deanna King Cynical Mother Logo plusphoto Getty Images/iStockphoto 468468733 The Cynical Mother – Deanna King  It is the one thing every parent is told

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